Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Student Spotlight #1

Student Spotlight: Adam Datema

Our professionally trained journalist staff sat down with Adam in order to dig deep and discover what really makes Adam Datema, Adam Datema.

So Adam, how was your summer?

Awesome. I watched the world cup.

How's soccer going this year?

Its a building year.

Were you surprised you were chosen as the student spotlight?

No. I'm fantastic.


What are your plans for after high school?

I'm undecided on the college I want to go to, but I know I want to major is psychology and I plan on getting a masters in counseling.


Like psychiatry.

Why Psychiatry?

Because I want to help people.
What's your most embarrassing moment?

When I was four I decided to climb a tree to retrieve a pine cone. Well, needless to say I fell, but not all the way to the ground. My underwear caught on a branch, leaving me suspended in mid air, screaming 'help!' The worst part is the entire time my brother was screaming for my parents to go get the camera.

So, team Edward of team Jacob?

Team Sharkboy.

And lastly, what advice would you give to freshman?

Enjoy high school because its going to fly by. I know everyone says that, but its true. Don't be too serious. Read a good book. Don't do drugs.
