.Dear Lex Tayler,
Lately I've been having trouble handling all of my responsibilities. Between my job, school, and chores it seems that I never have enough time. Not to mention I never get enough sleep! Do you have any suggestions for me that could help me juggle all of my responsibilities?
Thanks, Busy B.
Dear Busy B.,
Firstly, I want to stress the importance of sleep. If you don't get enough sleep then you won't be able to complete any of your tasks in a timely or efficient manner. It may seem like staying up until midnight will help you get ahead, but all that it really does is make you more tired the next day, creating a vicious cycle of monotony. Talk to your parents about chores. See if you can work something out so you're both pleased. Perhaps talk to your boss and see if you can cut back your hours, so you can fit in more school and sleep.
Your welcome, Lex Tayler