Thursday, September 30, 2010
I read the book They Cage The Animals At Night, by Jennings Michael Burch. This book is a true story of the author himself, Jennings Burch. This is all about the struggle of his childhood and the many hard times that never seemed to end for him. Jennings was a normal 8 year old boy living in a small home with his very poor family. He had his very ill mother, one brother in the hospital, three older brothers, and the youngest brother. The family was in hard times. And when it all became so overwhelming to his mother and she got very sick, all the children were split up and sent away to live in orphanages or other homes. Jennings experiences through these homes were very traumatic. Being beaten, or being lent out to uncaring families. This book is about Jennings journey to a new and better life that he grows to have. Its about the people he learns to love along the way, and the little things that gave him hope. I would recommend this book to anyone and everyone. You will fall in love with this story.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Student Spotlight 2

Student Spotlight #2 Veronica Nicholson
So Veronica, were you surprised that you were the student spotlight this week?
No, (laughing) I voted for myself like ten times.
So, do you know where you want to go to college at?
Probably Ball State.
And what sort of careers are you considering?
I want to be like a social worker or drug abuse councilor.
Why is that?
I want to help people.
Favorite moment in high school?
There are too many.
Most embarrassing moment?
No comment.
And finally, what advice would you give to freshman?
Be yourself.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
The movie GOTHIKA (Rated R, recomended for mature audiences)
is a chilling ghost story where everyone thinks you're insane when only you know the truth. A woman awakes in a mental hospital where she is told she killed her husband, but she can't even remember the events. How can you convince everyone you're not crazy when you're locked in an insane asylum?

Monday, September 27, 2010
Thursday, September 23, 2010
2010 Yearbooks
The 2010 yearbooks are IN!
If you are a 2010 grad, pick up your pre-ordered/pre-paid yearbook in the office.
Starting Friday Sept. 24, 2010 yearbooks will be on sale. They are $50 (cash or check) and are on a first come, first serve basis. You can purchase a book from Ms. Donley in room A-111.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Book Review
I have just finished the book Speak, by Laurie Halse Anderson. In this book, there is an average girl named Melinda, with a not-so-average secret. Melinda finds herself rejected by her friends, cut off from her parents, and no one to understand her terrible tragedy. She does her best to block out everyone in her everyday life; she stops talking, ignores her parents and teachers, blows off the one friend she does have, and her grades plummet. Melinda tries to heal, it's a long process. She tries to tear her mind away from her tragic memorie. Melinda's story is a realistic and compelling one. It's a journey for her to try to regain her joy and strength.
Resident Evil: Afterlife

The fourth installment of the "Resident Evil" franchise is now out and blowing up box offices. Fans of the game and the movie series will love the next chapter in Alice's quest to destroy the deadly T-virus and bring down the Umbrella Cooperation. This movie is rated R by the MPAA and is recomended for mature audiences.
Monday, September 20, 2010
College Spotlight: DePauw University
Nickname: Tigers
Colors: Gold, Black
Education: 45 Majors
Featured Majors: Classical Studies, Kinesiology, Geosciences
Student-to-Faculty Ratio: 10:1
Varsity Sports: 9 Men's, 10 Women's; NCAA Division III
Cost (For 2010-2011 School Year) : Tuition: $34,440; Room & Board: $9,180; Health & Activity Fees: $465; Total: $44, 085
Visit: For visiting information, call 1-800-447-2495 or email visit@depauw.edu
For more information, go to http://www.depauw.edu/
Homecoming Game
Last Friday was the big Homecoming game for the knights. This year was special because not only were the Knights playing the New Haven Bull Dogs, but they were playing former principal Mr. Molher and former vice-principal Mr. Hicks. Unfortunately the knights lost the game 23-21. It was close and a good game to watch.
In other news, at Friday's game Trever Sebring and Eden Chaney were crowned Homecoming King and Queen. The Homecoming court was made up of: Cassie Herdon, Paige Meyer, Kelsey Ahrens, Rebekah Witzig, Eden Chaney, Robert Connet, McCormic Clouser, Adam Burnison, Bobby Haddix, and Trever Sebring.
Finally as a reminder: the JV Football team will be playing at tonight at New Haven with kick off at 6:30 p.m. The Freshman team will play the Bulldogs this Thursday at Norwell at 6:30 p.m.
In other news, at Friday's game Trever Sebring and Eden Chaney were crowned Homecoming King and Queen. The Homecoming court was made up of: Cassie Herdon, Paige Meyer, Kelsey Ahrens, Rebekah Witzig, Eden Chaney, Robert Connet, McCormic Clouser, Adam Burnison, Bobby Haddix, and Trever Sebring.
Finally as a reminder: the JV Football team will be playing at tonight at New Haven with kick off at 6:30 p.m. The Freshman team will play the Bulldogs this Thursday at Norwell at 6:30 p.m.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Book Review
I have just recently finished the book Notorious by Cecily Von Ziegesar. This is the third novel in the list of the "It Girl" series. These books add on to Cecily's previous series, "Gossip Girl". In Gossip Girl, Jenny Humphry is the quiet, slightly awkward freshman trying to earn a reputation of being wild and spontaneous. When Jenny transfers to a boarding school called Waverly Prep she becomes the one person she's dreamed of being her whole life. She's more outgoing, making cooler friends, guys flirt with her, and she enjoys all the new attention she is getting. Waverly is the school for the rich and famous, where your only as hot as your latest scandal. Jenny quickly catches on and is beginning to enjoy her time at Waverly. She had her two new best friends, her roommates, Callie and Brett, and she even had a little crush already. Until she finds out that her crush is her roommates ex-boyfriend. Then there are rumors that the infamous Tinsley Carmichael is returning to Waverly. Once she sees that Jenny has stolen her best friends, her room, and her popular lifestyle, you can't expect Tinsley too be kind to Jenny. Of course there are more problems in this book than just Jenny's drama. This book has it all, teacher affairs, parties, punishments, love, lust, and scandal. I would recommend this book to anyone you loves a dramatic tale.
Boys Soccer
Norwell had two more soccer games last week. On Monday they played East Noble. The JV played first and lost. Then the varsity played second. They remained scoreless in the first half. Norwell struck first in the second half on a goal scored by Brandon Johnson, but East Noble followed up the score with two of their own. With two minutes left in the game, Jaron Moser tied up the game, and sent the game into overtime. Both overtime periods went by scoreless, so the game was to be decided by penalty kicks. The first round of five kicks per team ended in a tie. So, it went to sudden death penalty kicks where Norwell lost in the first round. On Wednesday the Knights face Northrup. The JV lost 4-1. Austin Cooley scored for the Knights. The Varsity lost their game 3-1. Jaron Moser scored. This week the Knights face Dekalb on Monday and Heritage on Monday. Both games are away.
Monday, September 13, 2010

When Nerds Attack
Tuesday = School-wide Blackout
Wednesday = Career Day
Thursday = Heroes v. Villains
Friday = Norwell Spirit
Boys Cross-Country: Blackford Invitational
Over the weekend, the Boys Cross-Country team competed at the Blackford Invitational. While some of the team was battling injuries as well as illness, they finished 9th in the Open Division. Senior Alex Cushman finished with a time of 16:19. Brandon Long and Ben DeVoe posted impressive times with 17:06 and 17:47, respectively. Complete results of the race can be found here. The teams next meet is Saturday, September 18 at the Yorktown Invitational.
KILLERS movie review

The movie KILLERS (Rated PG-13), starring Kathrine Heigl and Ashton Kutcher is an action/adventure/comedy that throws everthing at you in a big bang! Jenny (Heigl), a young woman on a vacation meets Spencer (Kutcher) who just happens to be an agent who wants nothing more than a normal life. After meeting Jenny, Spencer is sure he can live the normal life...until a bounty for 1.5 million dollars is on his head and ends up dragging Jenny for the ride. Enjoy KILLERS, it will absolutely kill you with laughs!
Sprit Week Calendar
Spirit Week
Nerd Day
Career Day
Hero or Villain Day(today)
School Spirit Day
Friday, September 10, 2010
College Spotlight: Huntington University
Nickname: Foresters
Colors: Green, Black
Education: Over 70 majors
Featured Majors: Education, Marketing, Communication Studies
Student-to-Faculty Ratio: 16:1
Varsity Sports: 14 NAIA
Cost (For 2010-211 academic year): Tuition: $21,850; Room and Board: $7,430; Activities Fees: $480; Total: $29, 760
Visiting: For visiting information, call 1-800-642-6493 or go to http://www.explorehuntington.com/
V-Bally Ball

The Norwell Lady K Volleyball team (11-3) are swimming in the "W's" this week. Tuesday the Lady K's took the Bishop Dwenger Saints to five games, emerging victorious, 3 games to 2. The very next night, the Lady K's hosted the South Side Archers and sent them home with a royal spanking, 3 games to none. The Lady K's started out struggling this year, but seem to have hit their stride. Let's all cheer on the Lady K's as they make our school proud.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Teacher Spotlight Mrs. Carr !
Teacher Spotlight!
Mrs. Carr
How do you like Norwell?
I like it very much, but I miss Ossian
What is the worst thing about it?
I don't get as much exercise, and they keep the library frigid
What is the best thing about it?
Seeing my old students I've had before, and meeting new ones. I don't know everyone, they all grow up and look different now
What's your favorite t.v. show?
any baseball game especially games with the Cardinals!
Norwell Boys Soccer
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Student Spotlight #1
Student Spotlight: Adam Datema
Our professionally trained journalist staff sat down with Adam in order to dig deep and discover what really makes Adam Datema, Adam Datema.
So Adam, how was your summer?
Awesome. I watched the world cup.
How's soccer going this year?
Its a building year.
Were you surprised you were chosen as the student spotlight?
No. I'm fantastic.
What are your plans for after high school?
I'm undecided on the college I want to go to, but I know I want to major is psychology and I plan on getting a masters in counseling.
Like psychiatry.
Why Psychiatry?
Because I want to help people.
What's your most embarrassing moment?
When I was four I decided to climb a tree to retrieve a pine cone. Well, needless to say I fell, but not all the way to the ground. My underwear caught on a branch, leaving me suspended in mid air, screaming 'help!' The worst part is the entire time my brother was screaming for my parents to go get the camera.
So, team Edward of team Jacob?
Team Sharkboy.
And lastly, what advice would you give to freshman?
Enjoy high school because its going to fly by. I know everyone says that, but its true. Don't be too serious. Read a good book. Don't do drugs.
Monday, September 6, 2010
Boys Soccer
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Friday Night Football
The Norwell students were so inspiring that some of the Carroll fans tried to join in cheering for the Knights! |
After Norwell's touchdown the student section rushed down to the track to do push ups. |
Friday, September 3, 2010
College Spotlight: Manchester College
Nickname: Spartans
Colors: Gold, Black
Education: 55 areas of study
Featured Majors: Accounting, Computer Science, Philosophy
Student-to-Faculty Ratio: 14:1
Varsity Sports: 19 NCAA Division III
Cost: (For 2010-2011 academic year) Tuition: $24,100; Fees: $820; Room: $5,400; Board; $3,460 (full-meal plan); Total: $33,780
Visiting: To schedule a visit, call 800-852-3648 or e-mail admitinfo@manchester.edu,
Nested in the small town of North Manchester, Manchester College is 35 miles from Ft. Wayne and 100 miles from Indianapolis. The 125 acre campus is shaded by large oak trees. Buildings on campus are no more than a 5 minute walk away using the sidewalks paved throughout the campus.
Colors: Gold, Black
Education: 55 areas of study
Featured Majors: Accounting, Computer Science, Philosophy
Student-to-Faculty Ratio: 14:1
Varsity Sports: 19 NCAA Division III
Cost: (For 2010-2011 academic year) Tuition: $24,100; Fees: $820; Room: $5,400; Board; $3,460 (full-meal plan); Total: $33,780
Visiting: To schedule a visit, call 800-852-3648 or e-mail admitinfo@manchester.edu,
Nested in the small town of North Manchester, Manchester College is 35 miles from Ft. Wayne and 100 miles from Indianapolis. The 125 acre campus is shaded by large oak trees. Buildings on campus are no more than a 5 minute walk away using the sidewalks paved throughout the campus.
Lack of Motivation
Dear Lex Tayler
I have no motivation to study for school. Every year I try to set goals to study more but it just never happens. What can I do? This lack of motivation is starting to affect my grades. I know I need to study, but I just don't. Please Help!!
Lack of Motivation
Dear Lack of Motivation,
I suggest you find a special place where you can just be alone and relax. Maybe like your room with music on, or outside on a great day. Sometimes with sports, chores, and school your life can be hectic, try rewarding yourself for doing your work. (for every 1/2 hour of studying, 10 minutes of texting?) Encourage yourself and say "I'm almost done!!" Have a set time everyday and adhere to it strictly school related so you can't plan other things around it. Let me know how things go? :)
Your welcome, Lex Tayler
send your problems to me at: norwellbloggers@yahoo.com
I have no motivation to study for school. Every year I try to set goals to study more but it just never happens. What can I do? This lack of motivation is starting to affect my grades. I know I need to study, but I just don't. Please Help!!
Lack of Motivation
Dear Lack of Motivation,
I suggest you find a special place where you can just be alone and relax. Maybe like your room with music on, or outside on a great day. Sometimes with sports, chores, and school your life can be hectic, try rewarding yourself for doing your work. (for every 1/2 hour of studying, 10 minutes of texting?) Encourage yourself and say "I'm almost done!!" Have a set time everyday and adhere to it strictly school related so you can't plan other things around it. Let me know how things go? :)
Your welcome, Lex Tayler
send your problems to me at: norwellbloggers@yahoo.com
Powder Puff Football
That's right, this year there will be powder puff football during homecoming week. The game will be either Tuesday the 13th, or Wednesday the 14th. It is flag football and the game will be out on the football practice field. If you are a junior or senior girl interested in playing, go to the office to pick up a permission form. The permission forms have to be turned in next Tuesday. As of right now it looks like there are going to be two senior teams and two junior teams. Make sure you come out and enjoy the game. Cost to get in will be $1 and make sure you bring your own seating.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Golden Knights
Golden Knights has started up again! For anyone who doesn't know what Golden Knights is, I'll explain. It is Campus Life based program on Wednesday mornings. This year the group meeting at 6:45 am in the planetarium (the double doors in the hallway behind the auditorium). Breakfast is served at each Golden Knights, followed by a devotional usually led by Tony. Golden Knights officially started up this past Wednesday and will be taking place on a consistent basis from now on. Everyone is welcome to come and check it out!
A Week of Victory for the Lady Knights

Norwell Boys Soccer
Busy B
.Dear Lex Tayler,
Lately I've been having trouble handling all of my responsibilities. Between my job, school, and chores it seems that I never have enough time. Not to mention I never get enough sleep! Do you have any suggestions for me that could help me juggle all of my responsibilities?
Thanks, Busy B.
Dear Busy B.,
Firstly, I want to stress the importance of sleep. If you don't get enough sleep then you won't be able to complete any of your tasks in a timely or efficient manner. It may seem like staying up until midnight will help you get ahead, but all that it really does is make you more tired the next day, creating a vicious cycle of monotony. Talk to your parents about chores. See if you can work something out so you're both pleased. Perhaps talk to your boss and see if you can cut back your hours, so you can fit in more school and sleep.
Your welcome, Lex Tayler
Lately I've been having trouble handling all of my responsibilities. Between my job, school, and chores it seems that I never have enough time. Not to mention I never get enough sleep! Do you have any suggestions for me that could help me juggle all of my responsibilities?
Thanks, Busy B.
Dear Busy B.,
Firstly, I want to stress the importance of sleep. If you don't get enough sleep then you won't be able to complete any of your tasks in a timely or efficient manner. It may seem like staying up until midnight will help you get ahead, but all that it really does is make you more tired the next day, creating a vicious cycle of monotony. Talk to your parents about chores. See if you can work something out so you're both pleased. Perhaps talk to your boss and see if you can cut back your hours, so you can fit in more school and sleep.
Your welcome, Lex Tayler
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