Friday, November 13, 2009
2010 Year Book Update
Parents will soon receive an order form for the 2010 Accolade yearbooks “Branching Out” in the mail. If purchased before Thursday, March 18, 2010, the 2010 yearbooks will be $40.00 each. Extras may be available next fall at $50.00—so order early! The order form and money may be turned in to the office or given to Ms. Donley in room A111. OR, if you wish to order online and use a credit card, visit http://jostensyearbooks.com?REF=A02192900; you may also while online personalize your yearbook with text and icons or a clear protective cover for additional costs. A white receipt will be given to the student when ordered and payment received--please keep this receipt for pick up next fall. If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Donley at 543-2213 ext 7111.